Halloween Pumpkin Drawings

In Portugal, Halloween is a quite recent celebration. Here at home, we love it. In fact, we take every excuse to celebrate, make recipes, decorations and DIY’s! 🤗
We also continue celebrating “Pão por Deus“, with the traditional “broas” and “ferraduras” and the little cloth bags we sew to offer them. On the 1st, the little ones still walk from door to door asking for the “Pão por Deus“, while they receive the treats in their hands.  They don’t even eat most of it, it’s just for the fun.
Going back to Halloween, every year we choose a DIY that inevitably involves ghosts, bats, pumpkins and other appropriate themes. This year,  we decided to simplify and decorate the pumpkins with what we mostly like to do: drawings!
It’s very simple and accessible to everyone. Just get different pumpkins, in different shapes and sizes, and draw directly on them. No special markers are needed. They can be regular black pens, poskas, and even brush and paint.
The result was this:

What about you? What are you preparing for this day (Halloween or Pão por Deus – in Portugal)?

Watch the video HERE.